Changelogs & Release Notes

Show changelog from version to

5 Bugfixes
0 Features
8 Tweaks
SetaPDF-Merger Component
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Fixed SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary::offsetSet() when name/key includes special chars (e.g. space).
  • Optimized decoding in Ascii85 filter class.
  • Fixed creation of CIDtoGIDMap when font doesn't cover used characters.
  • Fixed memory-leak when cached values and objects are used.
  • Handle name trees with empty Kids arrays.
  • Added constant for "XFA Resources" in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Names class.
  • Perfomance optimization in SetaPDF_Core_Reader_Stream::copyTo() method.
  • Transform invalid objects in name tree entries to the correct tree type objects.
  • Handle annotation instance in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Pages::getPageByAnnotation().
  • Optimized handling of faulty flate decode data.
  • Better handling of faulty structures in AcroForm Fields array.
  • Ignore annotation entry if their indirect object cannot be resolved.
  • Changed standard encryption algorithm/cipher in public key security to 256-bit AES in CBC mode for all public key security handlers.