Changelogs & Release Notes

Show changelog from version to

2 Bugfixes
5 Features
8 Tweaks
SetaPDF-Signer Component
  • Added support for validation of signatures with DSA/ECDSA/RSASSA-PSS (if supported by OpenSSL) keys in SetaPDF_Signer_Asn1_Signed class.
  • Added support for RSASSA-PSS signature scheme if PHP is compiled with a supporting OpenSSL version (>= 1.1.1; scheme needs to be determinable by the SubjectPublicKeyInfo of the signing certificate).
  • Added setKeyOption() and getKeyOptions() methods in SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_OpenSslCliCms to e.g. support RSASSA-PSS signature scheme.
  • Allow independent order of private key and certificate in PEM files if they are used to initiate Certificate instance.
  • Use signature algorithm from SubjectPublicKeyInfo in SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_Cms and SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_Pades modules again instead of fixed "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" algorithm identifier.
  • Optimized creation of nonce value in RFC 3161 timestamp module.
  • Increased default signature content length value.
  • Throw exception if no PEM encoded data were found in SetaPDF_Signer_Pem::extract().
  • Removed SetaPDF_Signer_Digest::getOpenSslInt() method.
  • Added SetaPDF_Signer_Signature_Module_OpenSslCli::_createCommand() method to allow extending classes to modify the final command.
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Added Stream writer class and refactored File writer to extend it.
  • Added simple implementation of SASLprep (RFC 4013) for handling of unicode passwords in standard AES256 security handler.
  • Ignore annotation objects with invalid data in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotations::getAll() method.
  • Added $encoding parameter to SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler_Standard::auth*() methods.
  • Added $passwordEncoding parameter to all standard security factory()-methods.