Changelogs & Release Notes

Show changelog from version to

9 Bugfixes
1 Features
14 Tweaks
SetaPDF-FormFiller Component
  • Added SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_Text::setTextTranslate() method to allow control readjustment of text positions.
  • Added logic to prohibit flattening single fields of XFA forms to prohibit consequential fatal errors.
  • Fixed rendering issue for multi-line text fields with fonts that have a very big bounding box.
  • Fixed handling of field names, that includes a dot in their names.
  • Ignore fields with a "removed" key in their dictionary.
  • Prohibit a division by zero in case of a text field value with a width of zero.
  • Optimized/Refactored handling of XFA data matching process.
  • Use default values in XFA forms if no data node is available.
  • Ensures that a new data note is not mapped to an existing data node that is declared as a data group node.
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Added check for valid instance created before parsing specific tokens in SetaPDF_Core_Font_Cmap.
  • Ignore white-space characters when parsing hex strings in CMaps.
  • Resolve indirect objects in W entry of Type0 font.
  • Added validity check for Encoding value in simple fonts.
  • Clean up foreign/referenced objects if the SetaPDF_Core_Document::$_cleanUpObjects property is set to true (default), too. Will reduces memory overhead in special situations extremely.
  • Added handling of fonts which are implemented without an indirect object.
  • Added support for handling uncommon bookmark outline structure.
  • Optimized fallback in SetaPDF_Core_Font::getCharByCharCode() method in case of control characters.
  • Added 0x74727565 as a valid version tag in TTF parser class.
  • Fixed extending of SetaPDF_Core_Canvas_GraphicState class.
  • Added static property and getter/setter methods to SetaPDF_Core_Canvas_GraphicState class which gives you access to the maximum allowed nesting level of graphic states.
  • Added optional parameter to getAvgWidth() method of all font classes to allow a calculation of the average width value if it is not defined.
  • Ignore comments when parsing CMAP tables.
  • Added fallback in getGlyphWidth() method of Type0 font for missing character codes.
  • Refactored resolving of standard font class names.
  • Added fallback to standard fonts for incomplete TrueType fonts which uses a standard font as their base font entry.