Changelogs & Release Notes

Show changelog from version to

2 Bugfixes
1 Features
10 Tweaks
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Added delete() method in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_AcroForm which allows you to remove/delete form field information from the AcroForm entry.
  • Fixed getCalculationOrderArray() in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_AcroForm to not create a CO entry if $create parameter is set to false.
  • Aligned fseek() behavior in stream reader class for different stream types/stream wrappers.
  • Handle text operators without a text object in text graphic state.
  • Code style, doc-block optimizations and cleanup.
  • Make use of SetaPDF_Core::isZero() method.
  • Optimized getPageByAnnotation() method in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Pages to use the /P entry of an annotation, if available.
  • Make use of SetaPDF_Core_Type_Array::indexOf() instead of a manual search in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotations:: remove() method.
  • Fixed and optimized getPageNumberByIndirectObject() in SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_Pages if called with an object of another document instance.
  • Increased default nesting level of graphic states to 100 (the limit was removed in PDF 2.0 completely).
  • Harden data types in SetaPDF_Core_Type_Stream::_applyFilter() method.
  • Added possibility to ignore faulty stream on a lower level in StreamProxyInterface implementations.
  • Optimized handling of uncommon flate encoded streams (Optimized fallback logic).