Changelogs & Release Notes

Show changelog from version to

3 Bugfixes
4 Features
6 Tweaks
SetaPDF-Merger Component
  • Splitting of PDF documents will only copy used form fields into the resulting document now.
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Implemented re-calculation of font bounding box for Type0 fonts with a TrueType font program.
  • Implented logic to read composite glyph descriptions from TrueType fonts.
  • Added SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::getOrientation() method.
  • Added SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page::getOrientation() method.
  • Increased default byte length from 1024 to 5500 bytes in which the component will search for the initial "startxref" keyword.
  • Ignore broken indirect object references when resolving terminal fields in Fields array of the AcroFom dictionary.
  • Ensured data length in AES decrypt methods.
  • Ensured encoding object type in simple font class.
  • Handle reading of direct objects without a valid PDF value (throw an exception).
  • Cache calculated font bounding boxes for TrueType and Type0 fonts.
  • Jump to a more logical byte offset if parsing of a cross-reference table fails.
  • Optimized TrueType-Table classes.
  • Added logic to define a value type which should be read in the pdf parser class. (This catches faulty documents)