Changelogs & Release Notes

Show changelog from version to

2 Bugfixes
8 Features
10 Tweaks
SetaPDF-FormFiller Component
  • Added getFields() to all field instances.
  • Added getFieldObject() to all field instances that extends the abstract field class.
  • Added SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_AdditionalActions class and getter method in text field, choice/list field classes.
  • Added getTooltip() and setTooltip() methods to all field classes.
  • Added several logic checks when changing field flags through their named methods: SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_Combo::setEditable(), SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_Text::setMultiline(), SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_Text::setCombField(), SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_Text::setPasswordField(), SetaPDF_FormFiller_Field_Text::setDoNotSpellCheck().
  • First parameter of SetaPDF_FormFiller_Fields::getRelatedFields() can be the field name now, too.
SetaPDF-Core Component
  • Added SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation::getAdditionalActions() method and SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_AdditionalActions to allow access to additional actions of annotations.
  • Added SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Widget_AdditionalActions class which is returned by SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Widget::getAdditionalActions() to allow access to additional actions of widget annotations.
  • Added new reader class and helper class which take care and manage open file handles. They allow you to bypass operation system limits on open file handles/descriptors: SetaPDF_Core_Reader_MaxFile and SetaPDF_Core_Reader_MaxFileHandler.
  • Added stream reader class.
  • SetaPDF_Core_Reader_File extends SetaPDF_Core_Reader_Stream now.
  • SetaPDF_Core_Reader_File::setFilename() and SetaPDF_Core_Reader_Stream::setStream() are now protected (and their names are prepended with an underscore now).
  • SetaPDF_Core_Writer_File::copy expects a resource instead of a path now.
  • Added checks for a valid page tree objects to avoid fatal errors.
  • Added checks for valid parent elements in page tree structure to resolve inherited attributes.
  • Moved the getBorderStyle() method from the main annotation class to annotation classes that support this entry.
  • Added possibility to delete additional actions of the document catalog by passing null to their setter methods.
  • Refactored page annotation class.
  • Refactored SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_BorderStyle class.
  • Refactored reader classes: Removed sleep() and wakeUp() methods form the reader interface and unused methods in the reader implementations.
  • Added support for streams with a defined length of zero while the stream is larger.
  • Added appropriate algorithms for envelopes in public key security factories.
  • Added getStreamAlgorithm() and getStringAlgorithm() methods in SetaPDF_Core_SecHandler_AbstractHandler.
  • Return $this in SetaPDF_Core_Document::setWriter() to allow method chaining.